go in

verb (intransitive, mainly adverb)
to enter
(preposition) See go into
(of the sun) to become hidden behind a cloud
to be assimilated or grasped: nothing much goes in if I try to read in the evenings
(cricket) to begin an innings
go in for
  1. to enter as a competitor or contestant
  2. to adopt as an activity, interest, or guiding principle: she went in for nursing, some men go in for football in a big way
Idioms and Phrases with go in

go in

[Tenth century a.d.]
Be obscured, as in After the sun went in, it got quite chilly. [ Late 1800s ]
go in with. Join others in some venture. For example, He went in with the others to buy her a present. [ Late 1800s ]
Also see the subsequent idioms beginning with go in.